this is an intro i think
sit down and chillax
ChibyBunni is my user, Bunni is my name (or Chiby, whatever y'like) though i may be called different names by different friends.
coincidentally i also have a persona named [BUNN1], pretty cool, i think. they're my tether, my connection to different worlds made in fiction, whether from my own or from others'.
they have a home, a world they belong to and protect. certainly an impressive feat all on their own. even when disaster is imminent, they ensure safety above all else.
"[hold the umbrella. stay dry.]" they are gentle in delivery, firmly they elvelope your hands to make sure you are clasping the whole handle. "[do not let go. keep steady. stay dry.]"
they're up against mother nature on crack. oh, btw they own a motorcycle.
- shitbit -
damn, straight up made some short, cohesive and digestable summary on lore of [BUNN1] althought the last two paragraphs are new~ lesgolesgolesgo.
i like this, it's fun and it got me writing new stuff (: